Spill The TEA
If you missed your initiation into womanhood, you’re not alone. Truth tellers spill the tea about the misguided trappings of what it means to be a woman. Listen in as they tackle the myths and realities of being a daughter, sister, mother, wife, and friend. Find a sense of community and inspiration with these podcast creatives. You are bound to recognize yourself in their collective experiences.
Spill The TEA
Exploring Intuition, Energy, and Self-Growth: A Deep Dive into Unseen Forces
Get ready to harness the power of your intuition and energy as we journey through a captivating exploration of the unseen forces that guide our lives. This episode promises to transform the way you understand your personal experiences and interactions, and it will equip you with tools to navigate through life's complexities with heightened awareness and perception. We share our intriguing stories of how the mixed blessing of intuitive feelings can serve as a defense mechanism, and we delve into the intriguing concept of female intuition in today's society.
We then take you through the fascinating terrain of our internal energy maps as we discuss the role of astrology and human designs in understanding our energy and intuition. We uncover the concepts of energy hooks and residual cords from past relationships, shedding light on how chakra balancing and grounding techniques can help release these cords for personal growth. You'll learn about the transformative impact of energy contagion on our relationships and we'll challenge your belief systems as we discuss concepts like reincarnation.
In the final leg of our journey, we dwell on spiritual energy, personal beliefs, growth, and metaphysical experiences. We talk about the burden of judgments we place on ourselves and how releasing these judgments can help regain control of our energy. We unravel the contentious relationship between money and negative energy and stir your curiosity with the power of manifesting through energy and belief. Lastly, we step into the world of stones and crystals, exploring their metaphysical properties and the energy they emit. Let's embark on a riveting exploration of intuition, energy, and self-growth together. Grab your favorite beverage and join us- we saved a seat for you.
Grab a warm drink and join us- we saved a seat for you. Don't forget to stay updated with Spill the TEA by following us on Facebook at Women Gathering and Growing with TEA or on Instagram at Grow with TEA.
Hi everyone, welcome back to Smell the Tea. Today we are going to be talking about energy. Interestingly enough, my energy said we should talk about this topic to my podcast sisters and I forgot that I had said so. So I think I must have been having a moment where I was knowing my energy was affecting maybe someone else's, or maybe I wasn't liking the energy someone was taking from me, or I don't know, but I thought it should be a good topic, and here we are ready to talk about it. So, jen, I'm going to throw it over to you to see what your thoughts are and to get us started.
Jennifer:So thanks, carrie. I also don't remember when you suggested this. However, I feel like, since we all are in positions of people facing and people serving kind of jobs, that this is a really good topic for us to talk about, and then also some of us in our own personal lives too, and the work that we've done around energy and things like that. So maybe that's where it came from. I'm not sure. The first question is do you have intuitive feelings when meeting people? And right away, when I read this question and you guys can answer your own answers, but the answer is yes and no for me. Right, because and I don't know what that's about right, like, sometimes I'm spot on and I can figure someone out like almost instantly, which I kind of feel is maybe a little bit of a condition defense mechanism.
Jennifer:I had this, you know, like the internet blew my theories up when they told me that I'm not empathic, that I have trauma, and I was like wait what? But in reality, right, like when you have experiences where you have to go in and read the room for safety and adjust for safety and or become something helpful in that environment so that the environment can kind of bring itself down. I still think that's energy moving right, like at the end of the day, I still think that's energy moving right, so like I can make all the jokes in the world about my skills at co-regulating a room being a gift from my childhood, but in reality, right, I can do it. I know I have done it because I have people have spoken to the absence of it, and then I go, oh, I didn't even realize I was doing that.
Jennifer:Maybe I'm doing that too much, maybe I need to back off to let other people gain skills, that kind of stuff, right? So it's interesting because, all that said, much like most of the things I've talked about in this realm of stuff that some people can be skeptical about, I always surprise myself at when I can't read someone, or I don't get a gut feeling from someone, or I get the wrong gut feeling from someone. So does that happen to you guys? Well, first of all, I guess the question is do you have intuitive feelings when meeting people? And then I'm going to throw an extra one in there Is that ever like off or wrong, or not at all?
Tracy:Yeah, when you just said that, jen, all I could think of is a dimmer switch, right, so you have the ability to walk into a room and take the lights and turn them down so people are comfortable. But then I also know people that have the converse of that, that are able to walk into a room and take the dimmer switch and turn it up. I mean, we've all known that kid because we've all worked with kids before. But I think that both are a curse and a blessing. You know what I mean Both things. So I completely agree with you.
Tracy:I do get intuitive feelings about people, not always 100%, because I tend to see what people are capable of instead of what they are. Also, a double sided coin too. But I did want to say the other day, knowing this was coming up, so intuition might have been on my mind. But I was in a rougher part of the city, had to stop at Topstatt yeah, it's Topstatt, a big deal, I'll be fine, and all the tops is in this area now have an armed guard, so it feels really safe in there.
Tracy:So I pull in and the part it's like the middle of the day, it's like 11 o'clock in the morning. Parking lot is wide open, there might be one other car and there's like a grandma walking in and in this big giant parking lot the sketchy guy pulls up right next to me, too close to my car. So instantly my gut reaction was like oh, oh, you're, you're skeevy, yeah. So I like turned up my music, looked at my phone, picked really engrossed in it, trying to look at my peripheral vision to see when he got out of his car. He stayed too long in his car, so then I moved my car closer to the door and I was already closed, and then got out when, in that, what I needed took off. But I think those types of intuitional feelings you always have, like because that's always how the CSI shows start she's missing shows start. Well, I had this gut feeling.
Mary:Yes, I've heard of people saying, okay, say at a conference, and they're talking about, I guess, the being a woman in society today and how they pulled the room and and we'll ask a question of how many here have a I don't even know an escape plan when walking to their car and like all the women would put their hands up and but the men would never even think about that. And so just your story made me think of oh yeah, that's female intuition about being targets of men in particular, when you come into contact with them, do you feel them as a threat, and it's got to be the energy, but it's also. Is it energy or am I reading body language? Am I reading where I'm at? It's all these other things that feed into that intuition Also like all your biases, right?
Kerri:Yeah, I think that I really think about these things because I'm single. Like you guys know, I've been single most of my adult life, so I'm often walking into most places by myself and I've really had to think about that, Like, should I hold myself back from doing some of the things that I want to do Because I'm a single woman, or do I just go do them? And I'm at a point now where I'm just feeling more and more like I can't let the fact that I'm by myself hold me back from doing the things I want to do. So I think that I've had to give a lot more positive intent or assumptions about some people at certain times then maybe people who don't do things by themselves on a regular basis. If that's a fair statement, you guys can debate that if you want.
Tracy:I think it's a fair statement. I also think, though, if you got the belly feeling, you'd be like yeah, I'm not, I'll wait to get out of my car for a minute.
Kerri:Oh yeah, I totally would, for sure.
Mary:Like the Super 8 in Montgomery, New York.
Kerri:Oh God yeah.
Mary:Yeah, but Carrie was, let's do it. Tracy and I are like, oh my God, what is happening?
Tracy:I'm like this is an adventure In my head. I'm like okay, how much are we out if we did? You guys, there was police tape.
Kerri:Did you guys want to leave? Because if you really did, I had no idea. I just thought we're going to make the best of it, and so I tried to.
Tracy:Yeah, I pulled Mary aside and said if it is that bad when we walk in the door, I can afford a hotel room somewhere else.
Kerri:Oh, my God. No, I honestly was just like well, we've done this, we'll make the best of it. I don't know.
Tracy:I didn't want to be gotten in there because the guy was really nice. I mean it was gross, but the gentleman was super nice.
Mary:He had good energy. He did have really good energy.
Tracy:If he had sketchy energy, I would have been like no.
Kerri:Oh, I think I might have been too. I might have been like you guys this isn't safe, but I didn't feel unsafe, I just felt a little unclean.
Tracy:It was not clean. See, it's okay. I mean I can deal with uncleanliness. I cannot deal with like you're freaking me out.
Mary:Like you're going to clone our room key and you're going to be standing over my bed in the middle of the night.
Kerri:I do have to say, when I was in that bathroom I was like I've got cameras in here.
Tracy:I think that all the time. I even think that in nice hotels Too many crime shows.
Kerri:I do have to say, though, I really do trust my gut. When I meet people. I think most of the time I'm pretty good with my gut instinct. I think when I go wrong with my gut instinct is when I just want like you, tracy, I see something in someone or I want to see an outcome come to fruition and I think that that person is the person for the job, or I see more in them than they're showing me. Like I have all these hopes for people that they're going to be something that they're not, and I think that is something related to energy that I'm trying to be more mindful of.
Kerri:In a lot of relationships, just trying to match energy, like I don't know how many times I'm sure everybody feels that way. You know you've been in like relationships with people whether it's friends or partners or whatever and you're the one investing all of the energy and it's kind of one sided or you're annoyed because they're taking all of your energy. You're either investing or someone's taking, and then you know it's time to like sever that one way or the other. You can only invest what other people are willing to also invest, I think. So I'm trying to get better at that, reading that energy.
Tracy:Jen, what was the second part of your question?
Jennifer:Oh, just are there times when you have met people where you haven't been able to get a read Right. I mean you guys sort of touched on when you've been maybe wrong about someone a little bit, but like, but like those people where you're just like man, I don't. I don't know where this person is coming from, what is going on, what to do with you?
Tracy:Yeah, and I think it's my brain like I don't know how or where to classify you.
Kerri:I don't know that I ever get that.
Tracy:I've been yeah, I've been taken off guard by somebody before, but like I don't.
Mary:I don't know, as you reflect back on the interviews you've done.
Tracy:Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking about it.
Jennifer:And I wonder if that's because people aren't being authentic or people are like masking in some sort of way you know, they're making up an energy Could be right.
Kerri:I feel that energy when it's made up.
Tracy:Oh, that makes me think of our conversation earlier with the plastic surgery and you're like I don't like that look or that feeling and that's probably it carries false energy.
Kerri:Yeah, I feel like it's fantasy. I pick up on that right away. I think it's fantasy and you don't like fantasy, right? I'm adverse to that energy, like I don't like fakeness.
Mary:Because the outward is oh, I'm projecting that I'm beautiful, but my inside energy is I still don't feel beautiful.
Kerri:Right yeah.
Tracy:Or I made it a permanent mask.
Kerri:You know how it is when someone says something to you and you know how inauthentic it is like sorry, yeah like I'm sorry and you know that someone doesn't mean it. You're just like those are, like you're looking at them.
Tracy:You did a good job and you know that they're.
Kerri:Yeah, yeah. Someone gives you a false compliment and you're like, oh why?
Mary:did. They even say that to me.
Kerri:They just like diminished everything that is so wonderful about what just happened or I don't know. I hate that.
Jennifer:It also makes me curious, like what they've got going on though, right, like that kind of like. When I talk about that energy, it's like to me it feels like untethered or ungrounded, like it's just kind of like wow, all over the place and I'm like whoa, right, like whoa, what is going?
Tracy:on with that person. You know, yeah, and I think your hands up.
Jennifer:Yeah, yeah, For real, Like I almost like I mean I don't want to bring like popular news into this, but I'm a something like are you an alien? Are you even human? Like what's going on with you? Like it's just like like I want to be, like that's not okay, Whatever it is going on over there. But it also makes me curious, in on the flip side, what is going on over there and why? You know, I don't think.
Kerri:I've ever not had them. I think I've wrongly had some intuitive feelings, but I've never like not got a feeling for a person Like generally, and then searched for information to confirm my intuition you have to be right.
Tracy:So you're going to take a deep dive. I'm going to be like I don't know what to do with that. I'm going to go over here, yeah no, I will.
Kerri:I'll deep dive in.
Tracy:You're going to take a deep dive in and figure out what's right. I am going to say I can get my times better used over here.
Kerri:I'm just going to go over here.
Tracy:I'll take a deep dive and tell me.
Kerri:Yeah, that's what happened before this podcast, right, when we genuinely weren't on with us yet, but I had to follow up with them about our Barbie conversation because I was still feeling like maybe I was a little wrong about some things, but I had to Tracy's like did you just say that?
Tracy:I didn't.
Kerri:I thought you were making that face because I said I was wrong.
Mary:You were like holy crap.
Kerri:it just came out of her mouth, but the conversation probably was me trying to prove that I might have said a few things.
Mary:Oh here, I am.
Kerri:I am me.
Tracy:I stand by the fact that having the voice of descent in the room is what makes conversation good. And if we all sit here and agree on everything everyone else said, we might not even talk. Just stay at home with our own head, right? Oh for sure. Well, I think Mary said, interviewing definitely is one of those activities for you where you rely on your feelings and your intuition. What are other activities? When I read this question, I was kind of like oh, I think, maybe like, if I'm doing something, you know, like outdoor adventurous, I try to be intuitive about my limitations as I'm getting older and accepting that I don't know.
Mary:My boss and I like to. When we're doing a formal interview, we score it and we like to see how close we are, and then if it's like vastly different, we start to dig deep into it, Like well, where did you score so high? And then have discussions about it and he makes the final decision and he goes by his intuition and he's like, nope, I can't do it. I know you scored him, this person high and I just can't. I have a bad feeling. I think that person was lying. I think they were just saying the things that we he thought that we wanted to hear.
Kerri:I like that your boss feels comfortable saying that.
Mary:Oh yeah.
Kerri:He's got a good bullshithometer that yeah To you once, trace what. There was a guy that we were going to bring on and I remember going you can. I remember saying to you you can bring him on, but I am not supervising him, because for me that person is a no.
Tracy:Yeah, I do remember that she was right. I was also right. Person have potential.
Kerri:Yeah, I'm sure they did no for me and I got out of the experience of trying to bring them on.
Mary:You just realized you'd have to use a lot of energy to meet up with that potential? Huh, yes, yeah.
Tracy:Mary, I'm going to call you out just a little bit. I've been thinking since you sent us that article today. I took a look at it and a couple of weeks ago a lot of like synergistic things, serendipitous things, have been happening for me. When we were in Cuba at the holistic wellness fair, I had a reading and during that reading the woman had told me that my soul had come back. I didn't have to come back, I chose to come back to teach. And she named my soul something and it was because her spirituality runs a little bit differently than mine. I'd never heard the word before and it didn't retain it. So I took that little nugget, was like, okay, that's great. And since then I found a master's program that I'm kind of interested in. That's a really literal interpretation of what she was saying, but if I were to take the master's program I would be able to teach.
Tracy:And then I took a leadership class with Christine, who was on a couple of weeks ago, and she had part of her leadership class do a human design map, which has to do with your astrology. So it takes astrology, your strength, and it brings them together and really it talks about how your person gives and receives energy, and I have a lot of open spots on my chart. Go, get your human design chart, take a look at it. Talk with somebody to understand it. If you're like me and have a lot of open spots in there, that means that there's spots for energy to come in and out and other people can use. Utilize that.
Tracy:So, when, Mary, you sent this article today about energy and energy hooks and old hooks that have been left in you and for like the last year, I felt like this, this something that's old and residual, and and how to get rid of it and move forward, because I know the next step is to move into that teaching role. Mary, would you talk a little bit about what you said us today and the hooks that I was just mentioning in the cords?
Mary:So I didn't read about the hook part of it, but I'm assuming it's. I only read as far as the energy cords because I had listened to Wellness Matters podcast. Her latest drop in it was talking about energetic cords, something that she at the Omega Institute had taken a deep dive in, and so energetic cords are the connections that we make with other people, and she had a guest on that was a nurse for 20 some years who became very ill and she threw a long process from the Western medicine, has now swung the pendulum over to more like Eastern philosophy, and she discovered that she had taken on these energetic cords of all the people that she treated for 20 some years. She still had these, these cords and they were making her ill, and so they talked about the process of.
Mary:Now you'll see a lot of articles talk about cutting the cord, but they gave the visual of the root is still in you and so you are healed from it and so, and so you're saying that's also the hook. So if you imagine the roots from that cord still in you and so that energy is still draining you even though the cord was cut, presumably given to the other person. So they talk about removing it, like unplugging it, and then filling the wound with love and light and to heal from that, that cord, and knowing that we all are helpers in our own capacity and our jobs. And I just thought, wow, I wonder if they're in and also in our relationships. I mean, we all have failed relationships and are there still those hooks in us? Are there still roots in us because the cord was just cut, or was there an exchange of energy and light and love and was it pulled out and given back to the person, or is it still there? Is it still?
Kerri:there. Yes, is it still there? Festering a bit.
Tracy:Yeah, mary, what I like about what?
Kerri:you said is you started talking about the root. So I just want to kind of bring some thoughts about that to the chakra system too. So that is like the base is the root, right? So Trace, when you're thinking about religion and spirituality and like the two, that kind of brings that back to that base. That is your base, is your root, chakra, and so that's where karma and past things are held in your root, and so if you can't bring them up through the chakras, you're not getting into any balance if you're holding it down there at the root.
Jennifer:One of the things that I kept coming back to when I was looking at the article was like, Carrie, right, Chakra balancing, and so for me, that is, with my sound tools, but also with yoga and grounding techniques and things like that. But also with witchcraft, there's cord cutting rituals and they're very specific about how you do them so that you don't leave residual energy behind. So it was really fascinating. I found that to resonate very clearly with me. There's a show called what we Do in the Shadows. It's a mock vampire show. It's absolutely hilarious and ridiculous. One of the vampires that lives in the house is an energy vampire and literally steals people's energy with the way that he interacts with them, and it's absolutely hilarious. But it's like so poignant too, because we all know that that exists in the real world, that there are people that take from us. I love that Carrie used the matching energy. I'm using matching energy in a little more of a I don't know millennial way, in like, okay, if that's how you're coming at me, that's how I'm going to come at you, right, and it's like only working for me because I have not matched energy in the past, right? So like the new me is like yeah, let's bring it, let's go, I'm ready, right. So it's. It's pretty interesting.
Jennifer:I don't like sit back and take it anymore, so to speak, but I've been doing like this experiment in the public spaces with people. Nobody who I've done this with is ever going to hear this, probably. I've just been like very conscious about telling people when they're being like an energy suck, even if it's like someone I don't even know. You know, because I know I've spoken about this before I have, like complete strangers come up to me and say things to me that are just like they'll just tell me all of their stuff, which, okay, you know, but sometimes I don't have the time for that or I don't have the energy for that, right, and I have been much more conscious about how I respond to them and then, on the flip side, much more conscious about how I compliment people in public, which is interesting because like and I don't know if it's because this is going to sound weird, but my hair like a lot of people have been coming up to me since I've been doing my hair in fun color and telling me they like my hair and just being very complimentary. So I just started picking people out of the store and doing the same thing for various reasons, right, Like I walked up on these two guys one was wearing a utility kill and like little like glitter, doodly bopper, had band thing, and the other one was wearing like a top hat and had some like steam punk stuff on it.
Jennifer:You know, guys like my age, you know like in there, probably in their late 40s, early 50s, you know, and I walked up and I said, did you find everything you were looking for in the store today? And I said I sure did. I found you two. And they were like just bold over, right, Like it was so cute. But I was like they showed up in the store with an energy level that was only going to be like wow factor, right, so I just wanted to let them know that it worked and so it's interesting to consciously move through that that way. But then also, like I said, on the flip side, tell people someone who's like really grumpy, like just be, like I'm sorry, you're having a bad day. They'll stop and look at you Like what? Because like they just want to like explode and into the stratosphere and say whatever, they don't care who you are, but if you say something to them like that, then that makes them conscious of what they're doing or not, but it makes me conscious of what they're doing.
Kerri:I think it's interesting that you're saying that, jen, because I had a conversation with someone recently where I guess they came to me and like apologized for some stuff. They said and I know that I had gone to them and like verbal diarrhea all over them I was the one who started it and then they joined in and then they apologized to me because they didn't like what they said. But I was the one that was like down the rabbit hole and like pulled them down with me. My follow up to that was as humans, we have to be careful what we dump on other people. That was my. I was dumping on you.
Kerri:Like your apology isn't needed because I didn't ask you if you wanted to hear my dump. I know that sounds awful, but I didn't even like come to you for permission to say like I've got all this crap on my mind. That isn't very nice, but I need to say it to someone. Are you ready to receive all of that and can you just hold space for me? You don't have to join in, just let me. I'm trying to be more conscious of that too. Like if I need that space, then I need to let people know ahead of time, because nobody deserves all of that unless they're willing to accept it. You know what I mean, because that changes their energy too.
Kerri:It's an exchange yeah.
Jennifer:I'm going to listen to this recording and write down everything you just said because I loved the way you said it Right Like to actually ask permission of that is like that can be life changing.
Kerri:Yeah, because someone could say no and I would have. Even if this person would have said, no, carrie, today is not the day for you to do that to me, I would have been like, okay, no problem, that's a respectful thing to do, right? But that person came to me and was like I'm sorry, but I knew in the end I pulled them down with me, like I was the one sitting there bitching and complaining. You know what I mean? Energy is contagious.
Tracy:Yeah, especially if you have a cord between the two of you, right? Yeah, the people that you have really close cords with thinking of, like you know, scott, or my kids and I could be in a fine mood. I could be like bebopping around the house, do whatever, and if they come near me and they don't even have to say or look at me, but if they are upset or hurting or angry, I instantly am like my energy goes down.
Kerri:It's hard for me to respond to that because I live by myself.
Tracy:So, but when you see Forrest and he's hurting, I know that. Yeah, I know you know this feeling.
Kerri:Yeah, I do, but I think it turns me into more of like a problem solver with my son, like how do I fix this? Rather than a joining.
Tracy:My energy will match other person's energy, and then I'll have to work to bring it back up. I don't know if I'm maybe I'm weird. No, that isn't weird.
Mary:I feel like that when, say, I go into a room full of people, you can feed off of that energy. And if it's a dismal, you know low pleasantness, low energy I'm going to fold into myself and be like what's going on here and try to match that. On the flip side, of course, if it's like it's high talking energy, high energy, high pleasantness, I'm going to be able to match with that.
Tracy:I'm just wondering, with our different people and the different human design charts that would be in here, if we have more open spots on that chart.
Jennifer:Well, you help us figure that out if we do it, because I just did it really quickly and I'm like what in the world is this thing?
Tracy:It was really hard. It was really hard, so I got it and it was like 12 pages of wow. This is way over my head.
Kerri:Wait, how do we get?
Jennifer:it Are you going to tell us? I just googled it and I went to like Did you already send this to us, trace? No, I did it while you guys were working. I went to human design, where yeah, the lady.
Tracy:Go to Karen Curry Parker. Put in Karen Curry Parker and Human Design Test. I've done this. Do you get a chart? You get like a little yoga person that's sitting and then there's numbers and there's some filled in stuff and some open stuff. I don't know.
Jennifer:Yeah, it's really. It's very strange, it's very yeah.
Mary:You have to know the time of your birth. You answer questions.
Jennifer:I do know the time of my birth?
Tracy:Yeah, no, you don't, it's your name where you were born, so the latitude and longitude and the time that you were born.
Jennifer:My question about her page, though, is that basically, it tells you have to pay for it.
Tracy:Oh no, don't pay for it, it was free. I'll send you a link.
Jennifer:Okay, because what I'm looking at is definitely not free. Karen Curry Parker.
Mary:That's some money, energy right there. It's a lot of money, it's a lot of energy, the one I went to sent me the same sort of chart.
Jennifer:It's just very.
Tracy:And that's how I felt at first, jeff too. I was like I don't know what this is saying to me. It's over my head, it's like it looks like physics, like metaphysics.
Jennifer:It's like a person with triangles and squares and little channels in between. Some of them are pink and some of them are gray.
Kerri:So, trace, you brought up the book that I think Heather had recommended to us the Many Masters Money Lives, and you spoke about the beliefs you grew up with and what that talked about. I kind of grew up with that mindset of the book that we've all lived many lives. You guys have all seen the thing that says a lesson will be presented to you until you learn it. That's why that's always really resonated with me, because I feel like that's why we're all here. We're here to learn the lesson that we decided we were going to come here to learn. Was that a new thought for you guys, that you've been here before and that you might come back and do it again in another way, or I'm just curious?
Mary:I can't wait to be under hypnosis to see how many lives I've lived, but I've never really put any thought into it. So, no, it didn't resonate with me as something that I have thought about throughout my 49 years, but I believe that it happened.
Tracy:So for me, Carrie, having those thoughts would weren't going to hell Does that make sense, yeah, and the way that I believe in God is different now.
Tracy:I believe God is love and I believe Jesus came and he was of love and we're all of love and we're all love God. The reincarnation thing, I mean I've seen it on movies and stuff right, and I always thought, oh, that kind of doesn't go with it and I don't want to go to hell. So there's always that that's probably one of those things that I shouldn't be thinking about. Wow, so I've considered it before. But hell, if it was a scary place for me. So you have to think I was like two, three, four, five, six, going to evangelical church revivals where they were preaching about hellfire and brimstone.
Kerri:I just have to say I find it interesting. I love this conversation because I don't think I've ever had a moment in my life where I haven't wanted to take that deep dive into something that I want to know about. I have never stopped myself and thought don't think about that Like you shouldn't or because it's bad. You know, like I've never.
Tracy:I've never, I wow, but I think like I mean think of the little kid. So this is like oh, I get it, I totally get it.
Kerri:I understand where you're coming from. I just can't imagine myself having had that experience, because I did not is what all I'm saying as an adult.
Tracy:I know God is love. I know God is love. I don't believe in hell. I believe the hell is the man made thing to make. No, I get it, but I have to remind myself that.
Kerri:Right. So what I? What I think sometimes. Sometimes I wonder like, well, why do I? Did I feel the other way? Or why did I believe the other way, like my parents did take me to church, but I still, just always had this other feeling.
Kerri:And I think it's because I think I shared with you guys on here that when I was very little, I used to did I tell you guys this about me and I used to do what now I equate with meditate and I thought that I could raise up out of myself and that I could float around my room and I believed I had wings. And I think at a young age I thought I had been an angel in a previous life, which, you know, I don't know. I can't prove that or, you know, deny it. I can tell you that that's what I thought when I was very young. That doesn't happen anymore. I'm not floating around my room. I don't know why and I don't know what led me to believe that that happened, whether it was just my active imagination or a truth of who I am.
Jennifer:I don't know. I think too I wanted to talk about because it goes along with what both you guys are saying, I think, and with this energy conversation as well, we get weighed down. I think is what it is right and I wanted to. First, I wanted to talk to what Tracy was talking about, because I was raised Catholic and I was taught that I can't I was taught that I can't even talk directly to God, that I have to go through other people and through saints and through you know what I mean, and so, and I and I believe that because that's what I was taught and I didn't have a problem with it until I did, and I was like, wait a minute, you know. But the interesting thing is and I know we keep bringing up Daniel, but like, like for me and the and this book too, but for me it was so cool because he kept saying, like this I just feel like this conversation is going to be a life altering for you. And it wasn't the conversation, it was his book and it was the part where it tied all that stuff together for me with the idea that I believed in reincarnation and I believed in in this idea that again, we are here to serve a purpose and we have to, as humans, souls, figure out that purpose and live that purpose and and those gifts and all those things, and then you know, and then we get a. We get to go back and make a decision, you know, on what's next and all of that and the idea, like in reading his book, what was so liberating for me was the fact that none of that had any judgment attached to it. Right, and I was like what? Because in my brain that's the thing I think our human experience takes, so we cast so much judgment on these things in places where judgment doesn't need to be, and that weighs us down. And when we talk about this energy thing and we talk about the, the fact that we can no longer fly like we did when we were kids, right, I think it's because we're we're picking up these things that don't belong to us along the road, and it's like putting bricks in our pockets and it's keeping us from elevating, in a sense, to our best self. You know, whatever that looks like.
Jennifer:And, for me, the way that he is able to talk to people from a Christian theological perspective and tie in things like predestination, simply being that you, your spirit and source, god, whatever you want to call it together have made this mission for you to go and be the best you you can be. You know, and to take it a step further, because I believe this as well, and I don't know what anybody else would say that the people that we have been talking about. But you know, I believe that the concept of hell, along with the Buddhists who believe this, is here on earth. It's the suffering that we cause ourselves by living in like this clouded version of what we could be and are instead trapped by all these things that are like you know, you want to call them, like earthly delights or whatever you want to call them Right, but the things that keep us from being free. You know, and I think about that on an energetic level all the time.
Jennifer:It's so funny because Mary had sent me the link about finding out which circle leader I was and said that she thought I would be the priestess, and one of the questions in there was about money specifically, and I was like so, and I totally was like I know I'm, I know how I would answer this question, but I also know that by answering this question, that it's going to lead toward priestess, because I do. I feel like money is really evil. I don't like it. I never have.
Jennifer:If I could live a money free life, I would, you know. I feel like it just really creates so much negative energy. Really, just dispersal of like how we trade that energy to it just is like makes me gross just talking about it. But it's so interesting to tie like all this stuff together. As far as being a spiritual or energetic being, you know, which I think is what we all are, right, I think that if we saw ourselves without our meat suits and not to get weird, but I think like our soul shine, would just, oh, it'd just be so beautiful. That's, that was if I went too far, but it may be.
Kerri:It may be. Are you guys familiar with Abraham Hicks?
Kerri:So those conversations a lot of them talk about like us being in our own portal. So envision you're in a portal and anything you can think of or dream of is there, and so this kind of helps with the cord thought process. Like you can pull those things closer or you can let them go, but anything that you've put in there you've created like you only have your own mind. So what happens around you you're either calling in or calling out, so everything you feel about something is what you're getting, and that's kind of the concept of it. So you know, it helps me when I'm like if something is really making me angry, then maybe that's a cord I need to cut, it's something I need to let go, because I don't want to sit in anger.
Kerri:Either, I sit in the anger and that's probably why I dig for things, because I want to know what I want, and not that I've always had this vision, like I know what I want in my portal, but to use that as kind of a visual idea, like I don't want to pull in all the bad things. I want to get to the truth of it and pull in what is true. You know what is true, I don't know, look it up, abraham Hicks. There's all sorts of really cool YouTube videos and when you listen to them you're kind of like what is she talking about? Oh wait, is she talking about this? She's there like a little animated YouTube videos and she's like walking along, but she's interacting with people in real life situations and I think you guys might like some of them. So check them out Very cool.
Tracy:Well, I keep going back to these chords, right, and, like you said, mary, all of us being helpers, I don't know, I know I'm teaching. You know, youth workers, and especially young, new youth workers that come in and think they're going to save the world, and that martyrdom, feeling right like at the expense of all else and trying to make sure. You know, we used to talk about, you know, establishing your boundaries and and it still is, establishing your professional boundaries, but it's about protecting your energy, because when you're not protecting your energy, you're inviting illness and dis-ease, right disease, into your life. So I think or more needs to be said to those who help, about how to protect your energy and releasing back, cutting those chords, whatever you want to say on hooking those chords.
Kerri:One of the things that I like to think about when I think about that is thinking that you are a magnet. So if you are constantly, maybe you're interacting like Trace, maybe you and I are interacting and you're pissing me off every time we're together Then maybe I want to think about, like what, what is happening with the energy between the two of us? Is this a relationship I want to continue holding space for, when I walk away feeling angry and upset every time I'm around you? So you know, sometimes those feelings can help you establish boundaries. And then other things, like I could be hanging out with you and I feel great every time I'm around you.
Kerri:I feel hurt, I feel valued, like this is the truth of it all. You know, I know that you're going to show up for me if I need you and do I want to hold space for that? Yes, I do so. I just like to think of some of those things in those terms. Even you know that's what you do professionally and personally. You have to set up the boundaries that are acceptable and not acceptable and cut the things that aren't.
Tracy:I went to that curiosities and oddities show this weekend, which was fun it was. It was like a craft there for for weird, which was so cool, and Scott went with me, so he's like I love that you bring me the things I would never think of. That was sweet. So I went to that this weekend and there was all sorts of fun.
Tracy:While we were there, though, there was a lot of people with crystals, and I know a lot of people right now are really inter rocks and crystals and energy that they can bring, and I was sharing with Kerry the other day. I'm like I don't know if rocks and stuff and crystals are pretty, but I don't feel that kind of energy around them or with them. And then later I was thinking about it and I was like you know, I don't, but I do know that when Byron would get a big load of Byron's my dad, when he would get a big load of gravel and on the driveway going down to the bar, I would go down there and finding all the pink granite rock. I would love to dig through all the gray rocks, the you know coarse ones, and finding the smooth ones and then just going and putting them somewhere.
Kerri:I really was just, you know, moving the gravel around, so I get it from that perspective, I feel that you were drawn to them in particular for any reason.
Mary:They were pink, like Barbie.
Kerri:Okay, that's a fair of my Barbie's chairs.
Tracy:I'm just saying they were putting off an energy that attracted you to them.
Kerri:Maybe it was Barbie, and maybe it was Barbie Maybe you have Barbie energy. And so you were attracted to them through Barbie. The funny thing is, don't care what reminded me of it, because I was so excited.
Tracy:I was like, okay, I don't know, I don't get it. It's fine, but you know those little pendulum thingies. We were at a booth, they're all really still and I was like, okay, I'm going to put my hand down, I'm like you all said. And the pink one that looks like granite started moving and I was like, oh, no shit, god damn it, did you buy it? Tell me, you bought it it was saying it was for you.
Kerri:You know that right.
Tracy:It was saying I didn't buy it because it freaked me out a little. I was like, no, it was. I did share the story. See, you are a magnet.
Kerri:It was like here we are matching energies. I am in your portal, take me home. And you said, no, not now.
Tracy:I can't explain this to Scott there's too many weird things here. I can't explain to him why I need this one. Oh my gosh, if I did that.
Jennifer:I would have a lot more money and a lot less rocks. I got to tell you a story, though, and here's the thing right, I think the belief structure is part of it too. Right, because I think we can change our energy based on our belief. I'm not saying it's not necessarily a placebo effect, but I mean, in a way, when I explain manifesting to people, I'm like I'm not saying it's not a placebo effect, I'm not saying it's not manifesting to people. I'm like, if you believe it, you will take the action to make it happen. Right, it's just what naturally happens. It's a force in motion.
Jennifer:I got this smoky citrine. I mean, I have all kinds of things, but this is just one story about one thing. So I got this smoky citrine, and really, typically, what I do is I'm like I'm gonna be like magnetically drawn to something, and then I act like a total weirdo with the people, and maybe they don't think I'm weird at all, but I'll be like I have to get this, I have to get this. How much is this? I don't even like, I just go get it Right. And so I don't even remember where I got that smoky citrine. I don't even remember, but I remember very clearly, thinking that my post-COVID syndrome needed to use this while studying for my licensure exam. And I had it with me every time I studied. I mean post-COVID brain, right. So I've got this. I don't know if I told this story about when I got COVID and then suddenly my brain didn't work anymore. Okay, so I'm just catching people up to speed in case they hadn't heard that story. And so I was having it with me while I studied, carrying it with me in situations where I needed my brain, right. So it's been in and out of my pocket for weeks and weeks and weeks. Took it with me to the exam, set my intentions, set a little something, put it in the car because I couldn't take it in with me, and went inside and I just totally believed that that was it, that was the thing that was going to help me, and you know I and I passed right. So now I've been taking it to all of my interviews too.
Jennifer:It's like in my pocket and it's interesting because and I will tell you why because I had no idea what the metaphysical properties of it were, like I typically don't right. So while you were talking about the things, I looked it up and it says, it stimulates the mind, it assists in learning, it promotes happiness and optimism and it is a stone of prosperity and I'm like well, there you go. So I think it's very interesting and I also believe too and I think I've told this story about how I have like a million packs of tarot cards, and this group knows that I can't do tarot readings very well for other people because it's almost always my energy that comes out in the tarot cards or answers that are supposed to be speaking to me. Sometimes it means something to someone else, but typically, even if other people throw the cards, it's still about me. But I kept thinking oh, I'm like a broken oracle, I can't really do these. Like I can't do these things for other people, I want to do something for other people. And then when I was looking at just these ancient ways of seeking wisdom I'll say it that way I found those ogum staves which are made from wood and those actually I can use to cast for other people. And it is also wild because they have the same for me. They have that same metaphysical, like energy property. I can feel in my fingertips that the crystals and stones do so, maybe because the cards are not organic. For me they just don't work and I just am starting to think that that might be a thing. So I don't know. It's very interesting.
Jennifer:I also had a story, a spooky story, of picking something up, tracy. And it's really funny because I'm trying to think of how old Jake was, I think like fifth grade. I don't know how old fifth grade is 10, maybe like 10 between 10 and 12. And my friend, pam, paints a lot of things, but she was painting these divination bowls, these cute little like trinkety looking pieces that had these really interesting almost island tribal looking characters on them, right. So I was like, oh, these are really neat. And I was picking them up and she said, oh, they're divination bowls and I was like what does that mean? You know? Like in my head I was like what is that? Because we're, you know it's. It was a while ago and maybe I didn't know as much about things as I do now.
Jennifer:So anyway, I was picking them up and trying to find the one that matched me right, and I wanted to be like. They had little descriptions too. I wanted to be like the mama turtle or like the, you know, like the bit, like all the maternal things, right, like, are all the like lovey, dovey things or whatever. And I picked up the one that had the rainbow serpent on it and it was literally like I had gotten shocked, like my hands like flew back and like set it down and was like what on earth just happened? And it freaked me out, right, tracy. I was like nope, nope, nope, nope. I got to go and I did. I literally left. I like was like I'm out, right Cause. I was like I have no idea what just happened.
Jennifer:And then I came back in and I was like okay, I actually I need that, I need to purchase that, I'm not sure why. And I did. And I bought it and, um, and actually got the one of the biggest pieces on my left arm in my tattoos that are all based on spiritual and elemental things is the rainbow serpent. I have a giant rainbow serpent that runs the whole length of my arm because of that experience and it was really cool. But it's so funny that we get so I don't know it's. It's like now I feel those things and I get excited, but I used to feel those things and I would get scared, like I would be like this is not okay, I don't know what this is, but it's not okay. But now I know it's just a different. It's like it's almost like a cosmic doorbell. For me it's like hey, time to open up and figure out what this is.
Kerri:You know, and I think it's fair to say, like Trace, the reason I was asking you if those things haunted you that you saw was because what haunts you might not haunt me, but might haunt Mary or not. Jen, I think it can be different things, because I do think that it is based on your karmic lifetime history. What resonates with one person may not resonate with another.
Mary:It's just like why you like someone and I don't, or you know we pick up on different things, Was it pink granite, yeah, and so when I looked that up, it had to do with love and compassion and purity.
Kerri:That was a cute little kid, aw, so cute adult. You were still drawn to it.
Tracy:Right, it wasn't. I don't know that the pendulum was pink granite it was pink with the green in it.
Jennifer:I just want to say for the people that listen that have trouble trusting their gut, that is okay too.
Kerri:Yes, and for people who know that they're still learning the lesson, they'll probably learn it a couple more times, that's okay too, It'll come.
Jennifer:Yeah, all right.
Kerri:Do you want to tell us how to make tea?
Jennifer:I think for making tea because you talked about it, Tracy about us working as people in service. I think that all human beings work in service of some sort or another. We all just do it in a different way, and I think that we talk a lot about professional boundaries or protecting our energy, but I think the way we talk about it is all wrong. I think for tea this week, people should go out and do some grounding or mindfulness exercises to bring their energy back to themselves. The literal definition of grounding is walking the earth with no shoes on, no socks on Right. A lot of times I go up and sit in the great pines and just listen to the wind blow through them. Whatever works for you that brings you back into your natural state, Try that Something like that.
Tracy:I love that.
Mary:That's so good, love it.
Tracy:Love it.