Spill The TEA
If you missed your initiation into womanhood, you’re not alone. Truth tellers spill the tea about the misguided trappings of what it means to be a woman. Listen in as they tackle the myths and realities of being a daughter, sister, mother, wife, and friend. Find a sense of community and inspiration with these podcast creatives. You are bound to recognize yourself in their collective experiences.
Spill The TEA
Exploring the Four Goddess Archetypes: Insights to Personal Growth
What if you could unlock your full potential by understanding your personal archetype? What would happen if you fully embraced the power of truth and authenticity? Join us on an incredible journey introducing us to the transformative concept of sistership circles, as explored in Tanya Lin's book, The Art of Leading Circles. The resource offers invaluable insights into the four goddess archetypes - wise woman, priestess, mother, and queen, helping us understand our facilitator styles, unique gifts, fears, desires, and dreams. As conduits of divine flow, we also discuss the role of wise women in delivering soul-stirring truth and how challenging conversations are opportunities for learning and growth. We hope this episode serves as a reminder that embracing your truth and authenticity is not just a journey of self-discovery but also an act of courage. So, join us, embrace your archetype, and let's create something beautiful together. Grab your favorite drink and join us- we saved a seat for you.
You can find the quiz here: https://sistershipcircle.com/archetype-quiz/
Grab a warm drink and join us- we saved a seat for you. Don't forget to stay updated with Spill the TEA by following us on Facebook at Women Gathering and Growing with TEA or on Instagram at Grow with TEA.
All right, welcome back to Still the Tea we keep diving in before we even get started. But today we are going to gosh I don't even know what to call this. These Archetypes, archetypes, thank you. We have all reviewed them. We took a little quiz and we all got our own. Some of us are the same me and Jen, I think. Only we got the same and the other ladies got different archetypes. That's not right.
Speaker 2:Laura, laura and Jodi. Jodi got the same.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. Okay, so I take it all back. Jon and I got the same, and so did Laura and Jodi and Tracy and Mary are unique ladies, so I'm gonna throw it over to Mary to get us started, because she kind of got us down this rabbit hole.
Speaker 3:I did, but I think I traced its origins back to an email that Tracy had sent and I had actually. I wonder I found it on while cleaning my computer at work, so I don't know, we'll see. It was like an email. Maybe I sent it to myself, I don't know, but it was about a year ago.
Speaker 3:I think that you sent this link about this woman named Tanya Lin. I have a friend named Tanya, so I've trained myself to say Tanya, so I, but I believe it's Tanya Lin and she does sister circles, sister ship circles, correction. So it was a link. I ordered her book, the Art of Leading Circle, because of the retreat that we're doing and just thinking that anything having to do with leading women in circle would benefit me in my workshop and just make me a better facilitator. And so I dove right into the book, read it in one day, and there were some resources that she had put in the book and one of them was to take a quiz to find out what goddess archetype facilitator you were. And so I took the quiz, got my results and then shared it with the group because I thought it would be a really fun topic to discuss, as it relates to the retreat and what we're trying to do with our gathering.
Speaker 2:It was a great quiz. It gave really great information. But then, as I was doing a deep dive earlier looking for the information that Mary had sent there's so much synchronicity between sister ship circles and T even with her initial inspiration for creating sister ship circles was very similar to our origin story. She was moving from New York City to, like, san Diego and having had this epiphany of wanting to pull together women so that she had a group of women that like-minded women that she could commune with, and that's kind of how she started, and I was like, oh, my goodness, that's the same way we started, but in rural America.
Speaker 4:I noticed too, tracy, just as an offshoot was, that some of the language she used was some of the very strength-based stuff. I don't know if you picked up on that like activator and I was like, oh, I love this right, because it reminded me of that empowered place that I felt when we were working together, all of us, right.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, there was a lot of Gallup-like language that I wonder if she has also worked through Gallup and done StrengthsFinder.
Speaker 2:But there was also like T-like language in there as well, like the knowing and stuff that we came to organically and I'm like, oh my goodness. At the same time, she came to this organically as well and it reminded me of a story that Elizabeth Gilbert talks about in Big Magic when she talks about creativity. Like creativity is an energy and it goes around and an idea is looking for a host to bring it into fruition and bring it into the world, and it might tap your shoulder and you have the ability to say no, not right now, I'm busy, but that doesn't mean that the idea is going to stop. It's going to go and look for that host. So maybe you thought of Apple iPhone 20 years before there were Apple iPhones, when it tapped you on the shoulder, but you didn't have time or you didn't have the capacity at that time to bring that into the world. Somebody else did and that's why you're like, hey, I had that idea.
Speaker 1:Doesn't it stink when you have this really great idea and you know that you've set it on a shelf or you let it pass you by and then someone else blows that idea out of the water and you're just like? I thought of that 10 years ago, especially if it's like a gadget.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, like this work obviously all of these women are being awakened at the same time because it's so important.
Speaker 1:But when it's a gadget, no, I'm like ah, yeah, I actually I'm just going to throw this out there that I did have an idea yesterday that I wrote down that I should share with someone because it could be a good one. It's kind of a business idea, but anyway. So, mary, in this book there were all of the archetypes. What were all of the options of things you could get. So there's four different goddess archetypes.
Speaker 3:It is wise woman, priestess mother In queen.
Speaker 3:In queen. I remembered that one. The pause was for a fact. Oh, okay, I'm kidding, but they say you can only remember a sequence of three, and so that was a test run. It was exactly that I can remember three things and not the fourth. The archetypes. It's not that you're trying to be all four archetypes, it's really identifying what your facilitator style is, and then you create the circle according to the gifts and the strengths that you have. Actually, once you take the quiz, you get a report back that describes exactly what those gifts are and how it shows up in your circle, and it even gives you some insights into maybe your fears. And what was the? I remember the word the admonitions. Yeah, I did not know.
Speaker 1:It was not a word that I am familiar with. Yes, what was the word?
Speaker 4:Desires and dreams, needs, fears, admonitions, yeah, power, words, oils, colors, symbols and chappas. And so you build out your circle.
Speaker 3:According to you know what these different elements mean within your archetype.
Speaker 1:Oh, there were three other things. There was that next page, jen. Also your power mantras were in there, overcoming your weaknesses, and it does give you a little thing about leading circles.
Speaker 4:I think admonitions comes from the root word of admonish. So warnings. Those are your warning your red flags.
Speaker 3:But one thing I liked about Tanya's approach, just in general, to building these sisterhood circles was that she offers a deeper dive, facilitation workshops and such, and so she offers basically her product where you could fully buy into the trademark sister ship circles, or you just dabble in this book format to create your own, and she just believes that I don't care, just make circles, just bring women together in any manner in which you see fit, do it with our trademark, come to and be trained as a facilitator, or just do it on your own, and so I really appreciated that. I guess that mission it's not based on making money, it's based on Building community.
Speaker 2:I also love, though, that she doesn't shy away from talking about money, because she does talk about money in her system, and if you want to make this a career, she offers a pathway if you're interested in that pathway, also an alternative if you're not. So that was cool.
Speaker 3:That is, it does have value and it does take work to do this, and that she's asked for donations, asked for money, because the right people will pay.
Speaker 2:I think that she also believes in that exchange of energy as well.
Speaker 1:What was everybody's quiz results? So Jen and I both got priestess, so not to speak for you, jen, but we got the same, which I thought was pretty cool, because I guess when I think of our group I feel that I'm most similar to Jen, so it seemed I agree with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and can you tell us a little bit about priestess and what a priestess does with their circle?
Speaker 1:I can tell you what it says and then I can tell you kind of what my thoughts are about that. So on our sheet for Leading Circle it says Leading Circle as a conduit for the divine to flow through. You want to lead circles focused on the theme of truth. You have a powerful medicine for the women who are seeking transformation. So, including shadow work and alchemy rituals, make your circle stand out. Leading red tents to have women remember their roots, as well as talking stick-style circles are great containers for you to lead. Intuitive readings and speaking from a stage are also sweet spots for you. So, jen, I feel like you can speak from a stage, maybe better than me, but I do not like speaking from a stage.
Speaker 4:Well, I think when I speak from a stage, it's in a performative way though, right Right so like acting or singing or something where I have I don't know that I me showing up as me solely. I'm not sure how I feel about that one. However, I guess I do it in smaller ways. You know, I show up on smaller stages as me maybe. Yeah, I agree with that.
Speaker 1:Like. I don't like a big stage. I like well it talks about. Did it say about making a container? That's how I think about it, like it. Well, it says that we are focused on the theme of truth, and so for me it's got to be a smaller circle and it's got to have a container where the truth can be told, and so if I don't feel like that is the space I am in, then I'm not comfortable on the stage. But then I think about like this platform. Even this is a platform you could consider. At a stage we're sharing our thoughts and things and I'm certainly comfortable here with all of you, but if you put me in front of all of the people who might be listening, I might not be as comfortable.
Speaker 4:I like what you said about the truth part of it, or the safety part of it, maybe even yeah, because one of the things that it talks about, you know, next to alchemy and magic, right is transformation. It's like a huge part of it and I think holding space for people, that I think that we, I think we do that for each other a lot on the podcast. So I think that you're right, I think that's part of it In that that's how we express or speak our truth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's just knowing that there's safety in the space that we're in, that we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts and sharing our truth. And when I look at our report, jen, this is what we I guess we would need in leading a circle. It says that we need grounding, we need safety, we need patronage, protection, acceptance, meditation and deep devotion to the goddess. I don't know how I feel about some of those, but I do feel like the safety and the protection is important to me. If I'm going to lead a group of people, especially if I'm asking them to kind of dig deep within themselves and become real, honest and share the truth, then those things are super important to me.
Speaker 4:I totally agree with that and I think, for that, what it made me think about was especially for the pieces of the retreat that I'm going to be doing. Most of the things that I do that would fall under this category right are things that come naturally to me. I feel like I've always come naturally to me, but what's interesting about it is they do talk about the if you're not serving your gifts. I think, or I don't know how they say it, but like one of the things which makes me laugh because I will like it's like the opposite side of this is that avoiding the shadow work for as long as I did kept those gifts at bay. I couldn't access them because I wasn't doing the work for myself. So how does that translate into, like you know, psychology? Well, it was like I was fixing everybody else, right, like I love to help people, it wasn't helping me. And so I think those things that you mentioned right Grounding and safety, right Protection, acceptance all those things are things that we become more aware of the more that we do that work for ourselves, because until we do, we don't know how to ask for those things right.
Speaker 4:We don't even know. We don't always know what we need. We might feel it intuitively, but not know how to access it or phrase it or speak up about it. After that work is done, then we're able to say, hey, these are the places where I need support in order to do what I'm doing, right.
Speaker 1:I agree with that yeah that's kind of how I read it. I think it's really taking a deep dive into yourself, knowing your own truth, so that you are I think part of it comes back to that Like, when you do get on a stage and you have to speak, you can stand by what you're saying. You're not like floating somebody a load of fluff. You're saying what is true to you and you're ready to stand behind it or, you know, I don't even wanna say stand behind it You're open to other people's truth, at the same time knowing that we all get to different spaces at different times.
Speaker 4:And sharing the stage. Because, that's what I heard you say, right when you said that I was like oh, so it's sharing the stage right. Yeah, maybe that's how it works.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and one of the things I've said before about like public speaking is I've never been comfortable even like at work and trainings getting up in front of people and standing up in front of them with some stupid PowerPoint presentation going over what it says. It's never been super comfortable for me. It can be, I can do it and I'm okay with that, but typically when I walk into something like that, when I'm in a room of people that I don't really know like, say, new staff orientation, a bunch of strangers it becomes uncomfortable for me and the first thing I'll say is do you all mind if I just sit down with you, because I don't like standing up here like I'm some authority about what we're about to discuss. It should be an open conversation and when I'm standing up above people I don't feel like I'm in community with them. I feel like I'm standing up there like some big authority figure that I'm very uncomfortable with.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that makes sense, especially if you're the I don't know what the right word is to go along with this priestess kind of thing. If you're the alchemist, you're like the key to everyone's finding that comfort within themselves to transform that space.
Speaker 1:Yeah, to share in truth, right, yep, yep. I love it, and so what it says is we're a conduit for the divine flow.
Speaker 4:I would like the divine to flow into me right now and tell me where I just put my glasses.
Speaker 1:Because I can't find that because I'm blind?
Speaker 5:No, I hope you're not driving still.
Speaker 4:I'm not driving anymore, but I just thought that would be a fun moment of being real with people. I'm literally wandering around my house looking for my glasses right now. Oh brother, All right.
Speaker 2:What about you, Mary? What were you? What were you? Who are you? What are you?
Speaker 3:So my results was the wise woman, and as the wise woman, I bring truth bombs that shake people to their core and wake up their souls. I like that. Yeah, so it's all about intuition and your knowing. That's what the wise woman brings to circle. It goes on to say that you have powerful medicine for the women who are seeking answers. So, including teaching them how to connect with their intuition, the goddess and Mother Earth, make your circles stand out.
Speaker 2:That's lovely, do you feel like? Does it resonate with you?
Speaker 3:It does. Yeah, when I go through the other things, I think about not even leading circles, but I think about having hard conversations, truthful conversations and, as uncomfortable as it is, I feel like being clear is being kind and it's not being nice. Sometimes the truth hurts. Recently, I have a staff person that say they committed to working eight weeks with us and so six weeks in, five weeks in, she says, well, I want to take this other opportunity. I mean, even though it was like a temporary job, right, and this is a person that I'm very close with and I like very much. But she was going to leave us two weeks early and she said you know, she came and said I wanted to let you know that I asked permission to do this. And she said how do you feel about it?
Speaker 3:And I said, well, I'm going to be very truthful with you and because I thought she could handle it, she was asking for it and I thought this was an opportunity to learn from this. And I said you know, we made a commitment to you and you made a commitment to us, and so I'm disappointed. Then we went on to have a conversation Well, what do you mean by disappointed? And I said well, you know, go on professionally and personally disappointed and we'll move on from this. But you know, when you make a commitment, I follow through on a commitment and I expect people to follow through on their commitment, and so throwing truth bombs, I feel like, is something that I lean into. It's not something that I'm super comfortable with, but I think it's the most respectful thing that I can do for another person is to tell the truth. Telling the truth when I'm not that into you.
Speaker 3:You know let's move on without each other or something like that. I have a few different experiences of giving truth bombs because I just think it's the kindest thing to do.
Speaker 1:One of the things I love that yours spoke about that I didn't see in mine is that did you say yours says something about your connection to Mother Earth? Because I just feel like that is you. Like I think of all of the outdoorsy types of things you like to do. I think about the last time I was at your house when I pulled in, you were out, like tending to your flower garden, and I just feel like that is you.
Speaker 3:Yes, very much so. I definitely have a relationship, I'm in a relationship with Mother.
Speaker 3:Earth for sure, doing things that again are kind as best I can, and that definitely resonated with me. That was one of the desires and dreams in that section was a connection to Mother Earth and under needs it says a long time to process and meditate and I definitely resonate with that. I'm not a instant I don't know. I have to sit and think about perhaps how I'm going to have a conversation and drop a truth bomb. I just can't come up with it immediately in the present moment.
Speaker 1:So, Mary, I have to ask you are you one of those people? So you have a hard conversation coming up. You sit with it. Do you think about all of the possible things in the hard moment that they could say and how you will respond to them? Because that's what I do.
Speaker 3:I don't. I think more about what words I'm going to use. That will be the most effective and most neutral and unprovoking. So, yeah, I don't think about scenarios and try to outwit what they might possibly be, because my gosh, that would be, that would that would feels impossible to me, I know.
Speaker 1:So I usually start hard conversations with. This is a really hard conversation for me to have with you.
Speaker 3:I like that. I feel like that's the first band aid that sets the stage for that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because. I feel like what I'm using. My truth bomb is usually very direct and I have not thought about the words. Although I try, I don't think I think about them as much. So thank you to those of you who do. I love that.
Speaker 2:I love how careful you are with your words, though, and your process, mary, and I think part of it has to do with the fact that you just don't like conflict, like you were. Like I do not want I'm not poking the beast, but I am going to address the elephant in the room.
Speaker 3:Right, neutral Think of neutral and provoking words.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true. So, like, what I was saying is, I'm ready to fight, I'm going to think of all the scenarios and the things they're going to say and I'm going to be prepared with how to come back from that and bring them back to the fact that no, here's the truth. Bomb.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, karen, what I heard is no, I'm right.
Speaker 4:Mary, I was going to say if people heard you describe that the way that you did, they would be like I'm about to do some growing with integrity, because that's what I heard. I was like if someone came to me like that, I'd be like all yours, because the way you described it was beautiful.
Speaker 5:Like the wise woman.
Speaker 1:Yes, and sometimes, when people ask, how does that make you feel You've been given a doorway, you can tell them they're asking yes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, in fact, in that example conversation I had a feeling that she would, and so I had put some thought into it that if she asked me and I think she's going to I want to be honest with you. I didn't want to play it off as, oh, that's fine, that's acceptable, because this is a person in the beginning of their career, I don't know. And of course I'm thinking of that. Our office does that, we're employment counselors and we want to be and your work has weight.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, you're going to do something and you don't, then it does impact how people view you. Yeah, and so it is disappointing if you don't follow through on your word.
Speaker 2:Yeah, laura, you get to speak for you and Jody Tell me about being the mother, and I love that you got the mother, laura, because, honestly, you taught me about nurturing and being a mom.
Speaker 5:So I just love that.
Speaker 2:You got that.
Speaker 5:Mary texted me the quiz and she was like I guarantee you're going to get a mother. So I'm like, why even take it then? So I took it the first time. I got mother. And then it said something about like signing up. And I'm like, well, does it cost money? I'm in the car and trying to listen to my husband chat with me and I'm trying to take this quiz. So I never opened it up. So then when we all got together I was like, well, it said mother, and they're like, well, where's the printout? And I'm like so I hurried up and took the quiz again and I didn't answer everything the same I did the first time because I didn't quite remember it all. And I got mother again.
Speaker 2:I intrinsically knew you. Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 5:It's like the only thing I'm good at, or no, I'm used to doing. I'm not even good at it.
Speaker 2:You're really good at it.
Speaker 5:It says as the mother, you are a safe place. You're here to help people feel seen, heard and valued. When you are integrated in your health mother aspects which happens when you make sure your cup is full you embody unconditional love, nurturance, healing, compassion, generosity and connection. People want to be in your presence because you make them feel loved.
Speaker 4:That is true.
Speaker 2:The picture of Laura in the book right next to it.
Speaker 5:Laura.
Speaker 1:Laura, last week I got to tell all of the girls like why I consider them friends or what some of the things that kind of have led us to be friends were, and you weren't on. But what I was prepared to tell you and you just opened a doorway for me to tell you today, is that what I know about you is is I remember when I first joined you all and this, this group of ladies, I remember you were just the sweetest, kindest like you acted, like you knew me forever and I just automatically felt like I was part of the group because you were there and you were just like, oh, this is scary and she, you know you. I just love that about you. You just took me in with open arms and I think that you know you're just the sweetest body, is what?
Speaker 5:you got. Well, I think you walk into it. Like I feel when you, you come into a room where you don't know people, you're very comfortable with it, though, like you, you give off that vibe you do like a spring. You know what I mean. Part of it, yeah, very open and loving.
Speaker 2:Laura, you take care of everybody that comes into your atmosphere. I was home from South Carolina for some for a while. There it felt like I was coming home for a funeral Every time I came home. But my grandpa passed away and I was doing a lot of the tasks running through that and I remember coming to your house just just because I needed nurtured, like looking at you with puppy dog eyes and you made food and I curled up and I think on your couch.
Speaker 5:You've curled up on my couch a good many times.
Speaker 2:I have but it's because you're nurturing, you're that safe place.
Speaker 5:Yeah, remember when the whole peanut butter fiasco oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:I slept on your couch for months.
Speaker 5:Oh, you're forcing.
Speaker 2:I was eating peanut butter because I was sick and my gallbladder was dying with the peanut butter was tainted. I think John shared that too, because her family got some of the peanut butter, yes indeedy.
Speaker 5:So it was just making you sicker. And here you are and that's the only thing you could eat. I remember making even tacos for you and I was so worried about, like you, getting sick.
Speaker 2:Remember how many times I rinsed the hamburger because I wanted to wash my meat so I didn't have too much fat on it so I could eat.
Speaker 3:I love this description in the book. I don't know if it's in the mother print out, but it says the mother is the warm, soft marshmallow blanket of love, the nurturer, full of compassion, connection and generosity. She helps people feel seen, heard and value. She listens with unconditional love and acceptance. Her presence is grounded, warm, inviting and safe. She invites connection and makes everyone feel like they belong, as if all women are her daughters who can just crawl up on her lap and be held. Yeah isn't that great that we have two mothers.
Speaker 2:It is so awesome.
Speaker 3:And we're sisters.
Speaker 5:Yeah.
Speaker 3:That sounds like a little suspicious mother sisters. Like, are you in Utah right now?
Speaker 5:Sister wise, you'll have to bleep it, but better than mother fuckers.
Speaker 2:I'm not bleep it. Last week's had several f bombs. Laura, I don't know, that was good.
Speaker 1:I said their husbands might disagree.
Speaker 4:I love the fact that we have two mothers, because I think that they mother differently. I know you haven't talked yet, tracy, but like when we talked about this, I was like, oh my gosh, this is also true it was cool, very cool.
Speaker 3:That was what you got, are you?
Speaker 2:picking up what she's putting down.
Speaker 2:I was like so mine was the queen. Well, laura, I did the same thing as you and I still can't find the print out in my email and I just retook the quizzes. We got back on. Still not there, but I still got the queen, so I do have the blurb that I had from before. So the queen's qualities she has a regal presence, speaks with eloquence, leads with power and grace. Has compassion and kindness, but is firm and unshakable. Lives with integrity, asked for what she needs and wants, is inspirational, attracts devoted followers. Makes decisions for the highest good of her community or her family, business or country. Takes the lead with ease. Has that magical, magnetic and chrysmic quality. Manifests more while doing last. Beauty exudes from inside out. And the shadow qualities because mine has shadow qualities on here that if I'm not careful, I could be a tyrant, a dictator, I could use my charisma negatively and I could irresponsibly seduce those who worship me.
Speaker 5:My God, those are words of your ex husband.
Speaker 3:Did he write it?
Speaker 2:I like this. It's with me, I feel like. I feel like it fits with who I am. It feels a little embarrassing some of it. What I like it.
Speaker 5:So is it embarrassing or it doesn't make you feel more raw to your, your qualities?
Speaker 2:Makes me blush, so I don't think it's embarrassing. It's not quite embarrassing like cringy, but it makes me blush like so I'm sure the right feeling word. It's not equate, it's not embarrassment.
Speaker 3:Makes you feel seen.
Speaker 5:Make it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that's the truth, yeah.
Speaker 2:And it's probably why I like to play dress up, carry Probably just this.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And it's a power dress up. I think all of those things were okay. Some of the like goddess feminine traits that every woman has are things that may not typically be okay. Like some goddess energy is deeply sexual and some is deeply adamant and fierce, and you know, I think that there are parts of those things that we all have in us and it's okay to have those traits and I think some of those things are the things that they don't want us talking about.
Speaker 4:Carry, that's what I was getting. You were getting there and I was like, yeah, but the thing is is they don't want us to have power in those areas. Tracy, I can't imagine you not being in an overseeing leadership position, right, because I've seen the work that you do and I was going to ask I don't remember if it was if you read the one that we read at Laura's or not, but somewhere in that it said something. It was something about that, about how you find others and you lead them to their best selves in that way. That's more on a self actualization through service kind of thing. I don't know if I'm saying it right, but that's what I'm thinking.
Speaker 1:You are, tracy, and I think it's you know. You are always a big idea thinker, and one of the things that I love and frustrates me the most about you is that you'll get this big idea and you'll just be like we're doing it and you have no freaking clue how we're going to do it sometimes, but the rest of us will just be like okay, yep, we're going to do this. I don't know how either, but I'm going to figure it out.
Speaker 2:And look at us. Look at us. You know, every time it's always been. I don't know, I do like that.
Speaker 3:When I, when you think about the origin story, that was your lead. I know it came from a place of I need to build a community, but it wasn't because it wasn't some altruistic thing that, as a queen, you know to do. It was for my survival, I need to build this community. And so you took the initiative to how am I going to do this? And you and Tammy built the circle, the first circle, and just continued to lead it. And then you know we sunset a little bit and then writing of the book, and that's really the next. You know the next level, and you know here we are with the retreat, and so so again under your leadership, really, Thank you guys.
Speaker 1:You're the glue trace, sniff it.
Speaker 2:And then our conversation last week and really, underneath, all of that is worth right and and then I think you know, just having an epiphany throughout the week, that archetype is queen. Why do I always question my worth? So my next tattoo is going to be a crown. I love that. Yeah, I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that.
Speaker 1:I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I think about your wedding dress. You looked like a queen that day. She had that, thanks Remember. You did. You look like a queen, thanks Got so lucky the printouts.
Speaker 2:The one thing that we found when we got together was that everybody's had colors and they were weird colors that didn't match anybody like I know. So it didn't even kind of go with the I don't know, I didn't feel like they.
Speaker 1:They may have, john, I want you to think of, because we got the same. Think of three colors. Don't say them yet, but think of. Three hours said that our colors were red, gold and white, and they do not resonate with me. What would your three colors be? Because I'll tell you what mine would be green, purple and black. Oh, my God, mine are green, purple and brown.
Speaker 4:Okay, it's I think it is it related to the chakra that's attached to it. I don't have the sheet in front of me anymore.
Speaker 1:I don't think so, because I don't think gold and white are chakra colors.
Speaker 4:Okay, yeah. Well, I mean, the gold could be yellow, but I didn't know why the colors were what they were either. It didn't really.
Speaker 1:It does list the chakra, so the chakras that it gave us were well. So let's see if these, what color is the throat chakra?
Speaker 4:The throat is yellow. So that would mean no, I lied blue.
Speaker 1:Okay, it says that our chakras, the connection is between the first to the root, which would be red, right, right yeah. The fifth, the throat blue and the seventh, the crown.
Speaker 4:So that's purple, right, blue, blue. And to go purple or white, it could be white.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Right, the one thing that we both said similar was green and purple.
Speaker 4:Yes, and then?
Speaker 1:black or you know, interesting. So what about you guys? What were your colors? Did they resonate with you?
Speaker 3:Mine were orange, brown and green. And if you were to ask me, ask my best friend in grade school my favorite color was was green and in fact my class ring. I picked the emerald stone for my class ring and so I've always loved green. But I look at my closet and there's more purple in that. I tend to gravitate towards purple. But orange and brown I makes me think of fall. Of course I love the fall colors. So you know, maybe, maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know. I'm curious where these color schemes come from. The report does not go into that.
Speaker 2:No, it feels like somebody had like paint palettes and they just pulled them out of a hat and lined them up with the first one.
Speaker 1:What were yours Trace?
Speaker 2:I don't have that sheet.
Speaker 1:Oh, I feel like the priestess ones were yours Trace, Red, gold and white.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mine would I mean. White's not one of my favorite colors, but red and gold are. Yeah, they're probably red, gold and purple for me.
Speaker 4:Those are the royal right, those are royal colors, so to me that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Queen, yeah, you should redo these colors for that yeah, we have a suggestion.
Speaker 2:Katanya, did you have any more thoughts about how the quiz depicts your ability to work with groups of people? And then, if you're super ambitious, how will it impact your ability to work with groups of people at the retreat which Jen started to talk about earlier?
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, I feel it definitely, like I immediately was like, oh, this is exactly what I'm doing, right, it's exactly what I'm doing at the retreat, I think, in pretty much every circumstance where I remember, if I can remember, the guide of where I'm supposed to be at every minute. But anyway, definitely with my experiential circle, pieces right is the kind of that I don't know ritual magic side of things, right which allow for, hopefully, grounding and safety and things like that, but also allow people to experience some magic of some mind body healing and kind of channeling I hope channeling the divine at some point throughout the weekend. The piece where it talks about being the conduit is really cool because for me I always call myself like the lighthouse, like I'm the way or the way show. There are people seeking the way, I'm the way show, or that's how I say it.
Speaker 4:Anyway, on a personal level, I've never really I guess what it is, because they do say about how it is like spirit flowing through you or the divine throwing flowing through you. I don't think I've ever picked that up and owned that for myself. I see it more now when I'm reading this and doing the work with this, so that when I go to do that piece of the transformational rituals that will hopefully happen in a literal tent for me, right, because they mentioned that in ours, that leading in the red tons, you know where the women gather and the red ton is the story of menstruation, right. So anyway, but just that idea that we're literally going to be in a tent when we do my experience is just kind of a cool. It totally resonated for me Like I was pretty jazzed that that it said that stuff.
Speaker 1:I wonder how this connects Jen to that other, because I haven't taken a deep dive into the other quiz you gave us, tracy, that what was it called with the curry Parker woman channels the human design.
Speaker 1:Yes. So I think that we probably have those open channels that allow that flow. I think, when I think about it for me, I do feel like what I do know about myself is that I do try to create a safe space, and I think you do too. I don't know if you're as conscious about it as I am. I think you just show up and feel like a safe space, at least for me. So I feel like when I am it with a group, I do try to create a safe space and that's what allows that flow of energy to happen that comes through, that's truthful, honest, open, vulnerable, all of those things. And I think that you just give the aura of that, jen, like you just walk into a room and you feel like a safe space.
Speaker 2:I don't know that I do that.
Speaker 3:Well, I think it's not a coincidence that my workshop is going to be hiking and why I chose to do something out in nature to hold my circle. So it definitely resonates with me and how I chose to, I guess the activities around the workshop, and so it seems to be spot on.
Speaker 5:The workshop for me is the tie-dye and it makes me nervous kind of. I think I enjoy teaching it to you guys, or the ice dyeing, more so than I do selling it. I feel like selling it makes it a job and I started doing it because I enjoyed doing it. So I think this it'll be nice. I'm excited that Cari's behind me because she's got more of the artsy, the creative in her. I don't know.
Speaker 1:So I feel like I'm thankful that you're there, because you've taken a deep dive into the dye and how it works and how it mixes and how it splits and all of that stuff. I have none of that knowledge zero but I can lead a group through the process and I can talk about the process and we're relating it to perfectionism and that I can lead. What I can't lead is mixing the dye and folding the shirts and you'll be able to Really, because your art is amazing.
Speaker 5:What you choose in your art is always so good.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you, but I don't believe that.
Speaker 5:I don't think anybody believes in themselves when it comes to that, though.
Speaker 1:No, they don't, and so we're going to kick ass in this workshop. I've got great ideas.
Speaker 4:You know what, laura? I think the way that you show up as the mother in this too, is like, no matter how screwed up our tide I might be, you're going to be like, look at that, because you're going to be. It's going to be like bringing an art project home from school and it's not going to matter, you're just going to be proud of people for doing it and that's like the biggest thing. And, carrie, too, I just know that that. I mean, it sounds crazy, but that can be stressful Tideye for people that don't feel confident doing it. But I think you guys will create a space that will make people feel confident to be creative and be, you know, to express in a different way and create something beautiful, because all Tideye is beautiful, right, like, but everyone might not feel that way, and so I think that you will be the people who will help, like that.
Speaker 5:It's amazing, though, the people that I show like how to fold and what to do. When they do it, it's so frustrating because theirs turns out amazing and my turn is up. Shitty, oh God. How is that even a thing? You should see some of the cool pieces that have been created here and I'm like it's all just chance.
Speaker 1:Yeah and really.
Speaker 2:So what I love too, laura, is the first night. As you know, sometimes people are a little bit late, or stragglers, or we have you the greeting, anybody that has either gotten lost or had a day and I know when I've had a day, you're who I want to be at the door. Well, I, jodi and I, are going to be doing our workshops together. I think our combination of archetype superpowers are going to be good, but I think, when I take a look at my archetype, it's more where I see it fitting in is getting the whole event together, bringing this group together, making sure the right people are in the room for the experiences to happen. Not that I'm not really excited to facilitate. Masking is one of my favorite things to do because it facilitates an aha moment in an experiential way, but I feel like my archetype is more suited to make sure that the whole thing happens and that we celebrated at the end.
Speaker 1:All right. So are we ready to find out how to make tea, or do we have?
Speaker 2:more. No, I think we're ready to figure out how to make tea.
Speaker 1:Okay, so how are we making tea this week?
Speaker 2:That was a long way to get there. Well, there are two ways for you to make tea. And if you are interested in the retreat, you need to hurry up and get signed up, because some of the workshops are starting to fill up and we don't want you to miss out on the workshop that you wanted to come for. So go over to our website, wwwgrowingwithtea. Make sure you get signed up. The second way that you can make tea is to go to Sister Ship Circles and take this quiz, figure out what archetype you are and see how it resonates with you, and see if you want to create a circle. And if you want to create a circle, we also have a resource for you on growing with tea. Go, grab the book.
Speaker 1:All right, we did it.