Spill The TEA
If you missed your initiation into womanhood, you’re not alone. Truth tellers spill the tea about the misguided trappings of what it means to be a woman. Listen in as they tackle the myths and realities of being a daughter, sister, mother, wife, and friend. Find a sense of community and inspiration with these podcast creatives. You are bound to recognize yourself in their collective experiences.
Spill The TEA
Unfolding the Magic: Updates and News
Reflecting on a magical journey, we're ready to spill some exciting tea! Our Goddess TEA retreat brought together a group of amazing women for an enchanting weekend! We've got news and updates to share.
As you sip on your favourite tea, let's take a moment to acknowledge all of you who have supported us - whether it was by buying Tracy's book, tuning into the Spill the Tea podcast, or being part of the Goddess Tea Retreat. Each of you has enriched our journey and strengthened our community. We're brewing up new seasons of our Spill the Tea podcast in 2024 and while we're at it, we might surprise you with a few episodes before the year ends. So, brace yourself - we're set to pour fresh, inspiring stories your way! Stay tuned and remember - the best way to heal and grow is in community. So why not be a part of ours?
Grab a warm drink and join us- we saved a seat for you. Don't forget to stay updated with Spill the TEA by following us on Facebook at Women Gathering and Growing with TEA or on Instagram at Grow with TEA.
Hey, all it's Carrie with some exciting updates and news. On October 20th, six teasisters and two teedotters gathered with their hearts full of anticipation of what we had spent months planning and dreaming about. We were steadfast in knowing what was about to unfold was going to be magical, powerful and have a rippling effect of community. The weather wasn't as beautiful as we had hoped, but it did not impact the magic that we hoped to feel and experience. We are seeing ripples of the magical experience come to life every day. To all the goddesses that took a chance at a weekend away with us, thank you. What a beautiful experience on so many different levels.
Speaker 1:Tracy, mary, jennifer, laura, jodi and I have been blown away by the kind words and feedback we have received and continue to receive. All that said, it seems impossible to not do it again. It stirs a feeling of being on the right path and it affirms our commitment to keep going. So I am so excited to get to share that we will be hosting another tea retreat the first weekend in October of 2024. Stay tuned as we're preparing behind the scenes to solidify the details that we can't wait to spill For now. Mark your calendars and know we hope to see many returning and new faces.
Speaker 1:Also, we are working behind the scenes to prepare new seasons of the podcast Spill the Tea in 2024. We may drop one or two episodes along the way, but are planning a more consistent schedule in 2024 for everyone. We hope you'll hang in there with us as we continue to grow. I want to thank everyone who has been along with us for this journey, whether you've purchased Tracy's book, listened to the podcast or signed up for the Goddess Tea Retreat. We are so grateful to get to share space and have space held for us by each of you. We have always valued the power of telling our stories and believe faithfully that the best way to healing and growing is in community. Thank you for being a part of ours.